Why do papillomas form on the neck, and how can they be cured?

For many people, papillomas on the neck are, rather, a cosmetic problem, so the decision to remove them is made to improve their appearance. But you need to know that with papillomatosis there is a risk of developing undesirable and sometimes dangerous complications, therefore, pathological treatment should be carried out in any case.

Educational reasons

The formation of papillomas in any area of the body occurs under the influence of a special bacterium - the human papillomavirus (HPV). More than 100 microbial stamps have been discovered and investigated, and most of them have pathogenic properties. Some viruses have carcinogenic properties, that is, they can lead to malignant formation.

papilloma on the neck

Papillomas on the neck and armpits are considered benign. Microorganisms are transmitted in a number of ways:

  • sex - from an infected partner;
  • vertical - from the infected mother to the fetus when passing through the birth canal;
  • contact and household - when using personal items, in case of contact. In groups of children, pathogenic microorganisms can be found on toys, so that in most cases the HPV virus, which leads to warts, enters the body even in the early years. life.

Viruses easily get inside through small wounds on the skin: scratches, cuts, abrasions. For a long time, the infection does not manifest itself with symptoms - the microbial activity is easily suppressed by the good functioning of the immune system. But with a pronounced weakening of the protective forces and under the influence of some other provoking factors, the pathogenic virus enters the epithelial cells, attaches to them and causes overgrowth. level, which is indicated by the appearance of growths on the body.

Stimulating factor

The appearance of a tumor in the neck of viral origin is also explained by impaired blood circulation and special sensitivity of the skin in this area.

small papilloma on the neck

Among the main triggers of HPV activation are:

  • decreased activity of the immune system;
  • anemia;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive system;
  • overexposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • malfunctions of the hormonal system;
  • psycho-emotional overload.

Why do papillomas appear on the neck more often in women? The reason for this is that women with especially fragile skin often use creams to care for their body, which can clog pores and thereby impede blood circulation.

Pathology rarely ends with the formation of only one growth. The problem is that there is an active virus inside it and any scratch on the skin in this place and its friction leads to the release of the microorganism to the outside and infecting the surrounding tissues. around. That is, there can be from one to several dozen viral tumors on the neck. This is especially true for children, as they often scratch their skin.

many papillomas on the neck

The cause of genital warts in the armpits is because women wear too tight underwear to compress the body, causing blood circulation disorders, which means creating all the right conditions for the rapid growth and reproduction of the virus.

HPV can be passed on to other family members. So, when a tumor is detected, just use separate towels, face towels and other personal hygiene items. Measures should be taken to strengthen the immunity of all relatives - this will help prevent them from contracting the virus.


The papillomas on the neck and armpits can be of different types, the tumors most often appearing in the form of:

  • fibrous neoplasm. . . At first, this is a small raised bump on the skin of a yellowish color, gradually it stretches and takes the form of drops on the skinny leg. The color of the papillae formed is pinkish or brownish.
  • flat bump. . . These are ovals or circles of small size (several millimeters), slightly raised above the body. The color of the tumors is practically no different from the surrounding healthy tissue. If such growths are relatively close together, they can merge and form a papilloma with a blurred border.
  • vulvar papilloma or simple (wart). . . These are round, prominent nodules on the skin of the acne, color is usually dark brown, can be more than 1 cm in diameter.
neck papilloma

Papillomas on the neck, like other parts of the body, are not irritating, so they are very often found when several tumors are already present. In some people, the tumor can cover a large surface of the neck and move to the back, chest, and armpits. Naturally, this looks unsightly and leaves you looking for a quick and painless way to get rid of the papilloma on your neck.

The dangers of papillomatosis

The cause and treatment of papillomas on the neck is determined by a dermatologist. Treatment of papillomatosis is absolutely necessary, as a number of complications cannot be ruled out:

  • injury to the squad. Friction of clothing, scarves, or chains in the neck area can damage papillomas, especially fibrous papillomas. As a result, not only bleeding occurs, but also healthy tissues become infected and secondary infection cannot be ruled out;
  • inflammatory response. Inadequate hygiene, excessive sweating, and soiled clothing are all causes of warts to become infected. They become swollen, congested, and painful. Such a complication requires a course of antibiotic therapy;
  • degeneration of tumor cells into atypical cells. Neck papillomas rarely become malignant, but this risk cannot be completely ruled out. Signs of possible malignancy are dark formations, pain, pus or pus in the sacrum, and rapid increase in size.
check for papillomas on the neck

How to get rid of papillomas on the neck, you should decide as soon as possible. The earlier a papilloma is treated, the less likely it is to spread to the whole body.

The principles of treatment

If any formation appears on the neck, you must first consult a dermatologist. The method of treatment is selected only after a thorough examination. It is not possible to completely eliminate the HPV virus from the body, but with normal functioning of the immune system, the virus will be in a state of "hibernation", meaning it does not manifest itself in any way. . To achieve this, you need to treat chronic diseases, take courses in vitamin and mineral complexes, and if necessary, immunomodulators.

Systemic antiviral drugs are prescribed for papillomatosis, if there is a tendency to spread throughout the body or if recurrence occurs after successful treatment. Medicines should be prescribed by a doctor because most of them can cause unwanted side effects.

With an early call for qualified medical care, neck papillomas can be easily removed by hardware methods, using external means. In some cases, traditional medicine is also effective.

Not all solutions can be applied to the neck and armpits due to the sensitivity of the skin.

Viral formations on the skin should be removed if:

  • papillomas are exposed to constant mechanical stress, which is caused by friction by shirt collars, scarves;
  • papillomatosis, this term means the appearance of a large number of tumors;
  • Recurrence occurs up to several times a year.
remove papilloma on neck

Before removing the papilloma, it is necessary to exclude the presence of cancer cells in the formations. If they are found, then treatment will be done under the supervision of an oncologist.

Hardware method to remove papilloma

How and how to remove papillomas on the neck depends on many factors. Patient age, comorbidities, predisposition to scarring, pain tolerance are taken into account.

Today, there are several effective methods to help eliminate formations during a session. Practically do not use surgical removal of papillomas on the neck and cold suction. When using a scalpel to remove ingrown hairs, you run the risk of scarring and infection. Cryodestruction (exposure to low temperatures) can burn delicate skin. Therefore, patients with a tumor of viral etiology with localization of the neck and axilla are recommended:

  • laser therapy.The procedure is carried out using a laser, its impact on the papilloma allows you to remove all the atypical cells layer by layer. Laser treatment does not leave scars, warts disappear completely in 5-7 days, they gradually die and in their place, remain unchanged clean skin;
  • capacitor coagulation.To remove the wart, a high-frequency electric current is used, which is fed to a special instrument for cutting the wart. This method is somewhat painful, so for adults it is done under local anesthesia and for younger patients under general anesthesia. The advantage of coagulation is the ability to conduct histological analysis, since the tumor is immediately completely resected;
  • radio wave therapy.A knife is used to emit radio waves. The method is therefore highly accurate, excludes the involvement of healthy tissue, and therefore has no risk of scarring.
remove the hard part of the papilloma on the neck

All hardware techniques for papilloma removal are performed on an outpatient basis. The procedure can take only a few minutes in time and recovery takes a few days.

Medicines to treat virus formation on the skin

In case of contraindications to hardware methods for the removal of warts or if there is no possibility to use them, the doctor may advise the use of external antiviral agents: ointments, solutions. Their application blocks the activity of viruses, destroys microorganisms, which leads to the gradual disappearance of the formations.

At the same time, the use of the ointment prevents infection of the surrounding tissues, that is, the risk of new warts appearing on the neck and other parts of the body is significantly reduced.

Neck papillomas are often treated with pharmaceutical solutions that can kill or kill the tumor. But on the neck, those funds must be used carefully, as scars can remain on the delicate skin. It is best to use such medications if there is only one wart and not in an easily visible area.

Before using pharmaceutical chemical solutions, you should read the instructions carefully. With their help, warts are easily removed, but it is most likely to burn the skin and form an ugly scar in the future.

Folk way

How to remove papillomas under the armpits and on the neck, those knowledgeable in traditional medicine must know. But such treatments, compared with hardware methods, have a significant drawback - in order to achieve complete cleansing of the skin from papillomas, they should be used for several weeks or even a few weeks. month, apply selected agent to formations sometimes up to several times a day.

Antiviral properties are:

  • castor oil. They are lubricated with growth up to 5-7 times a day;
  • Apple vinegar. Used as a compress. A tampon soaked in vinegar is applied to the wart, fixed and left for up to 3-5 hours;
  • fresh celandine juice. The surface of the papilloma is smeared with juice, but it is better to do this on vacation, since the application of the plant stains orange;
  • Tea tree oil. They need to handle the buildup three times a day;
  • laundry soap. Paint coats must be lubricated with a damp bar of soap up to 5 times a day and not washed off after application.
castor oil to remove papillomas on the neck

In addition, appropriate folk remedies should be used to strengthen immunity. Doctors often recommend taking echinacea - a decoction of herbs or tinctures, an infusion of nettle leaves, a decoction of rosehip.

Folk remedies for warts are considered safer during pregnancy. But they must also be used carefully, taking into account all contraindications.

Neck papillomas can appear at any time, and if left untreated, one tumor often leads to the appearance of many others. There is only one way to protect yourself from this - by contacting a qualified doctor who will identify the main causes of HPV activation and select the most effective treatment regimen.