Papillomas in women: treatment, photos, symptoms and causes

causes of papillomas in women

Looking at the various pictures of papillomas in women, it is rare that anyone would want such tumors to appear on your body. But development can take shape at the most inappropriate times and sometimes in extremely uncomfortable places.

Similar papillomas of the female genitals, urethra or bladder papillomas are much more dangerous in women than warts on the body alone. How to identify them, what to do with them and to whom to contact? You will find answers to these and many more questions in this document.

The reason for the papilloma formation

The main cause of growth is the entry of many strains of the human papillomavirus virus into the body. A virus of type 16 is considered dangerous in women 18 and 31. We will talk about them later.

The 16 types virus in women, 18 or 31 types in women is only a small fraction of the types that have been detected so far. At the same time, scientists are confident that more than one species will be discovered in the near future.

The course of the disease, the nature of the external manifestations and the complexity of the treatment of papillomas largely depend on the type of human papilloma virus in women.

Viruses can get in in a number of ways:

  1. Sexual contact.Is the most dangerous route, as it transmits viruses of 31 types, as well as viruses of type 16 in women and 18. Many people think that manifestations of HPV are impossible if you use a condom. su. In fact, this is an illusion as condoms do not offer complete protection from the HPV virus. What can we say about unprotected oral and anal sex, as well as the practices of non-traditional relationships.
  2. Contact and household.The second most common way women get infections into the body. These are the usual handshakes, hugs and kisses, as well as the common use of toiletries, different tools, . . . This path of transmission can occur if there are any wounds, minor wounds or abrasions on the body.

Papillomas of 16 types in women, 18 and 31 are dangerous because of their carcinogenic potential. That is, the chance of encountering cancerous tumors is much higher if type 18 virus is detected in women, 16 or 31.

The fact that a virus exists in the body, whether it is type 16, 18 or 31, does not guarantee the obligatory manifestation of the papilloma, and even leads to the development of cancer. The development of HPV in a woman's body is affected by the general condition and the immune system.

There are special groups of risk factors that increase the likelihood of infection:

  1. Starting an active sex life too soon. According to statistics, in most cases, women infected with the virus before 25 years old.
  2. Change partners often.
  3. Abort regularly. It is not uncommon to have intercourse ending an unwanted pregnancy. The best remedy for many people is an abortion. But because of them, the internal structure of the genitals is broken down, which simplifies the penetration of the virus.
  4. There are chronic gynecological diseases.
  5. Sexually transmitted diseases.
  6. Long-term use of birth control pills.
Photo taken of many female papillomas

What are papillomas? This is just an outward manifestation of the virus located in the female body. Some papillomas cause only cosmetic defects. Therefore, their removal is a simple need to remove tumors that spoil the woman's appearance. But there are certain situations when a girlfriend must see a doctor for a full consultation and reveal every detail about the presence of the virus in the body.

There has been a case of papilloma in more dangerous women than in men. And here it's not just 31 viruses in women, 18 or 16 that play a role.

According to statistics, the more likely it is to get malignant tumors in the normal sex. Therefore, the treatment of genital warts is urgent. Papillomas in women are a sign to see the doctor early.

Which doctors treat papillomas? It depends on where exactly the growth originated. If these are papillomas on the genitals affecting the genitals and genitals, you should see a gynecologist.

It is difficult to independently determine growth on internal organs, so it may be necessary to diagnose the entire body. When the warts appear on the skin, the first thing you do is to see a dermatologist.


Some cancer groups suitable for women:

  • Flat papillae.Usually a flat papilloma affects the cervix and its epithelium;
  • Body warts.They are formed by exposure to the safest strains of viruses;
  • Reverse.Very similar to signs of flat growth. With such tumors, precancerous conditions of the cervix are often diagnosed;
  • Cursor.Usually found on the outer labia and in areas damaged by sexual intercourse. New warts may appear near single growths, which then merge into a tumor. It looks like a cauliflower.

Micropapillomatosis in women manifests slightly differently. In general, such a phenomenon is considered the norm. However, if the signs are showing in the photo, you should definitely check for papillomatosis for infection. Micropapillomatosis affects the labia minora (labia minora) and manifests itself as many small growth nodules.

The aftermath

Only a doctor should prescribe symptoms and treatment. A therapist can determine from what a tumor appeared, how to treat it, and what drugs to use.

Many women, when they see their growth, panic because they are afraid of cancer complications. In fact, the incidence of such cases is negligible and occurs only with serious violations in the treatment or care of the pediatric patient. If you do everything correctly without damaging or tearing the growing fibers, the chances of complications are very low.

But what consequences can the human papillomavirus have on female representatives?

  1. In most cases, there are no complications. Furthermore, when the immune system strengthens, it is sometimes not necessary to remove the tumor. They dissolve on their own.
  2. One of the potential risks is fertility disorder.
  3. Another complication that HPV can cause is problems trying to get pregnant.
  4. The biggest threat is the growth of cancerous tumors.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, if you find signs of the HPV virus, you need to periodically examine and do appropriate tests. If there are no outward signs of the virus, a physical check for the presence of the virus will not be needed.

Practice has shown that many women with HPV are latent, that is, it does not manifest in any way. This stage can last from a few weeks from infection to several years. It's not uncommon for tumors to not form throughout life, despite the presence of the virus in the body.


Every woman's papilloma needs treatment. Another question is whether women will need treatment with amputation, or if more gentler methods can be dispensed.

Let's look at some treatment options:

  1. Treatment with folk remedies.A folk remedy should only be used when removing growth marks in underwear. It is impossible to cope with such methods with intimate warts or on areas with thin skin without consulting a doctor.
  2. Removal of a papilloma.Relevant in case there are multiple tumors, they interfere with normal life or cause physical discomfort. After removal of the papilloma, burning is a normal response, especially when freezing or coagulation is applied. Laser therapy and radiation surgery are preferred, although more expensive.
  3. Treatment of papilloma reduction with drugs.Aiming to boost immunity and prevent viruses. These can be pills, injections, or ointments applied to the affected area.

If a woman is faced with papilloma, you should definitely see a doctor. He will give specific recommendations, depending on the current situation and the characteristics of the course of the disease.